Sunday, April 18, 2010

Family Outing to Utah

For Easter weekend my parents, three little brothers and I drove out to Utah to watch conference and visit el familia. It was a swell drive out and we were making record time till we hit a snowstorm in Wyoming. At first we just had to drive slowly, but it got so bad that the interstate was closed and we had to sit in Laramie for ages. My mother fell into the worst of spirits and began to murmur and complain against my father. She said how betrayed she felt that she had been talked into taking such a trip, and how everything awful happens to us. However, as soon as the interstate opened she was in the best of moods as if nothing had happened. I can easily think of one scriptural figure we could compare her to.
We arrived in Utah at my aunt Dianne's house without further excitement, and she greeted us with warm soup and hot bread. Soooooooooo tasty!
That night I went to my mission reunion with my pal Ashlie. All my mission buddies were astonished to see me. I definitely earned the 'traveled the most miles to attend' award. It was nice to see them all and chat with my mission president and his wife. Anyways, afterwards we got lost but eventually found our way, and ate at this tasty steak house. It was a grand time and the food was superb.
Saturday and Sunday was conference and for the first time I attended a session of General Conference in the Conference center. It was not a life changing event and really did not change how the message was received(except I felt less prone to sleep in the conference center... hehehe). It was a neat experience.
Sunday afternoon we drove home and it was a smooth trip home. 48 hours on the road and 49 hours at the relatives. The long drive was definitely worth the stay, especially after eating Aunt Dianne's scrumtrelessant pies.
复活莭時為了看親戚我跟我的家人都開車了到犹他州去。我们的家籬那裡很遠,開車要大概20小時。出發後一開時很顺利,可是到wyoming 州時我们遇到了雪風报。糟糕!我们停了在那裡大概三個小時. 在這時候我的媽媽差一點就哭了吧,可是我们回到路上她馬上变得很開心。 之後我们就顺利到底我的阿姨的家。她準備了湯和面包等着我们!非常好吃!
那一天晚上我跟我的好朋友Ashlie 去参加在台湾傳過教傳教士的晚会。我看到了很多在台湾根我一起傳過教的人,也看到了王會張和他的姐妹。之候我们去了一家很有名的餐厅吃牛排。很好玩的一天!


  1. What a murderous mother, murmuring in the wilderness of Wyoming. Although Wyoming will try anyone's faith, believe me-I lived there.

  2. Haha! Nice write-up of events!
