So....... 2 weeks ago I bumped into James, an old running buddy, at school. We caught each other up on the last few years of life and shared some funny stories. James mentioned how at the annual MSSU 5k race my brother Eddie, currently serving a mission in Russia, had run the race in a hot-dog suit. We decided it would be sweet to carry on the tradition. That afternoon I started my 2-week crash course training which I followed faithfully each day. The first several day were awful and I felt like a cripple. A pizza slice costume was ordered to compliment the hot-dog suit and we were set.
A week before the race we got some bad news. MSSU had cancelled the fun-run, the race for the general public. WHAT!!!! We were devastated so we posted it to our status on facebook. Several faithful comrades all suggested that we go anyways. So we did. It was sweet.
We ran about acting ridiculous and we started the race but were ejected by an official event guy before we had covered a half mile. I was kind of glad because the combination of sun, running, and a hot-dog suit was extremely hot and humid. It was actually raining inside my costume....
We cheered the runners and then to top it off I went to Wal-mart, Braums, and Sam's Club wearing the hot-dog suit. The crowd reactions were hilarious. Little kids were intimidated, some sang the oscar meyer wiener song when I passed, and others just laughed. People even had their pictures taken with me.
This is going to be a yearly event so everyone needs to put it on your calenders and get a food item costume.
大家好!兩個禮拜前我遇到了我高中的铜學James。我们聊得很愉快。他有告诉我在下下個禮拜六是MSSU大學每年班的路跑。去年我的弟弟eddie 有去参加。他也穿了热狗的服装去跑步。因为我的弟弟目前在俄罗斯傳教他没有機會來,所以我们决定了要保持傳统。我買了一件pizza 的服装和開是天天跑步,準備自己跑5公里。